
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tiny Dancer!

Alaina started dance class this past Monday and she ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT!!  She did not want to leave!  Everyday she asks if we can go back to dance class and then gets bummed out when I tell her not today.  I was very surprised to see her listen to the teacher so well...I wasn't really sure what to expect!  I'm sooo glad she likes it...because I did not like it at all and all I did was cry for my mom non-stop!  Alaina didn't even care when I left the room!  We are so proud of you Alaina and can't wait to watch you turn into a beautiful tiny little dancer!

Alaina and her best bud from daycare - Reese

Listening to the teacher very intensely!...Far right is another one of Alaina's friends from daycare - Kylie.  2nd from left is Gabby - a friend of a friends daughter!

Meeting all my dance team friends!

Reese & Alaina showing us their dance moves...Gabby not so much! 

Alaina is still dancing away...but Reese and Gabby are not interested!

I'm having soo much fun!

Alaina and her two best friends from daycare....notice Kylie and Alaina were not standing by each other in any of the above pictures...They had to be separated pretty early on in the class for pushing and hitting each other!  (They really do like each other though!) ; )

Kylie is so over this photo session...!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny!- Love your pictures! You got some good ones! Gabby talks about her friend Alaina from dance. :) I finally just posted some pictures and a video on our blog.
