
Saturday, October 31, 2009

First 50, Get 50!

Yesterday my friend Amber(work Amber) and I headed over to the Mall of America to hit up the door buster sale that Old Navy was having. The first 50 customers in the door at each Old Navy store, got 50% off their entire purchase! With a lot of planning and strategies (which included checking out the inventory at the Eagan store, looking at the mall map to get our route, several calls to the store) we had a successful one hour shopping spree. We were number 1 &2 in the door, since we arrived at Mall of America at 8:00 and waited anxiously for the opening at 10:00. We both made a haul! As you can see in the picture below... these are the majority of my purchases... minus a few Christmas gifts not in the picture!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Swingin' at the Park!

We thought we better take one last trip to the park before it gets too chilly outside! Alaina loves to swing! I think the park will be even more fun next year when she can climb on everything.

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Wayne!

The grand finale wedding of the summer.... Matt and Erin were married this past weekend at the St. James Hotel in Red Wing. The wedding was beautiful, food amazing and of the course the band was awesome(Erin' s dad). This was the last of 7 this summer... what are we going to do now? Brian is very happy that none of these cut into his hunting season!... I'm sure that's what he will be doing every weekend! Alaina and I will probably be slaving away at home making soups, baking cookies and possibly doing a little shopping.. ; )

Congrats Matt & Erin!! Hope your having a great time in warm, sunny Mexico!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

All I Want For My 6 Month Pics....

Are my two front teeth!! Yes, just in time for Alaina's six month pictures she got her two front, bottom teeth..(and yes both in one exciting week!) You can't see them in the pictures, but they are slowly coming up!! We had her 6 month pictures taken on Friday and they turned out great, she was sooo happy!!

New Toy Alert!

Alaina's friend Will, told Alaina about this awesome toy below... Alaina begged and begged for here it is... The Little Superstar Sing Along Stage! Alaina and I both agree with Will and his mom... this toy is awesome and will keep her entertained for a while!

Tic Tac Toe - 3 Weddings In A Row!!

So...we've been just a little busy going to weddings! It has been a crazy but very fun summer! Congrats to Cody & Mara, Michelle & Eric and Ali and Marcus!

Cody & Mara Swanson - 9-26-09

Eric & Michelle Laumeyer 9-19-2009
Sorry guys I didn't catch a pic from the wedding... but I found one on facebook! = )

Marcus & Ali Ploeger - 9-12-09