Yep, we said goodbye to diapers about 2 weeks ago now! We were planning on spending our Memorial Day Weekend reading "The Potty Boot Camp" book... but instead we spent the whole weekend going pee pee in the potty!! Grandma Lynne called me and told me to bring her potty chair to the cabin, just in case she wants to use it (she had been using it off and on for about 4 months or so)... So we arrived at the cabin Friday night, brought the potty chair in and she wants to use it right away...and also wants to be in the bathroom alone...I left her alone for a little bit, walk in the bathroom and there is poop all over the rug, her socks and a little on the potty, yes on the potty not IN the potty... After a much needed bath we went to bed... The next morning she woke up dry, so I talked her into going on the potty again.. And that was it, she used the potty the rest of the weekend and hasn't been wearing diapers since! I was still reading "The Potty Boot Camp" on Saturday during her nap because I thought she was just going through another phase where she really liked using the potty chair. I was still not sure if this was it on Sunday, so I didn't start celebrating, but by Monday, I knew this was it, we are done with diapers! And oh boy am I glad she did it on her own without doing "The Boot Camp" technique.. As I was reading the book I was freaking out thinking this is going to be a nightmare and I might loose my mind and Brian better not think of leaving me alone to do this by myself...But thankfully we didn't have to do it!...Thank you Alaina for being a big girl and deciding you don't need diapers anymore! We are so proud of you and we love you sooo much!! I've been trying to take her picture in her big girl undies, but she is not a fan of underwear/potty chair pics!! As you will see below!
First time going potty in Mike and Sarah's cabin, LOVES the pretty flowers on the seat!! |
Put that dang think away mom! I said no potty pics! |
OUT! I said absolutely no pics of me in my potty chair! |
OMG this is hilarious! These are such keepers. It is like she knows that you are going to whip these out 20 years down the road and embarrass her! Great job Alaina!!!!! I am so glad she initiated it on her own - booty camp is a long few days. ;)