Well, one week ago today we said good-bye to the
nukies! With
Alaina's 2
nd birthday fast approaching, we decided it was time to get rid of them! The transition was not too terrible.. since she had only been using it at nap and bedtime for the past year or so.. A couple bedtime meltdowns and a few early mornings and we are finally back to normal! We haven't heard the word
nuk come out of her mouth since Saturday, so I think we are in the clear now!! Taking away the
nuk may have been harder on mommy than
Alaina...it really made me realize she's not a baby anymore!...tear : (....
Alaina's first pic with her nuk!

And the last pic with
Nuk! Such a big girl!

Aww! Good job Alaina and good job Mom! Even though it was only a week or so it feels longer doesn't it when you are trying to transition something. Jake would never take one so we didn't have to experience it but I will know who to come to for advice if our next ones does. :)