This past weekend we had our first couples cabin weekend! Without kids! Everyone arrived early Friday morning for a full day of sun! The girls relaxed on the dock and in the giant floaty, while some the guys played 18 holes at the golf course. The other guys did guy stuff I guess and joined us on the floaty for a little while... Oh yeah and a few of us went skiing before cocktail hour started. Friday night Clyde's Ride picked us up and brought us to Moonlight for some dancing and more cocktails of course! Saturday the weather wasn't too nice, so the girls went shopping while the guys played bean bags and did more guy stuff... Once we made it back to the cabin we ate lunch, played pounce and then started happy hour AGAIN! We played a few games of volleyball, had a taco bar and had a few more cocktails.... There were fireworks on Saturday night on the lake so we headed down to the dock to watch the fireworks and have MORE cocktails! The fireworks were great! We headed back up to the screen porch for some cards and then some dancing! We decided to turn the screen porch into a dance floor, moved the table out, set up the music and did some crazy dancing! To get the full dance club feel, Erin flickered the lights on and off for us! This also got the neighbors attention and some of them came over to join our dance club! Since we were so hot from dancing, we needed to finish off the night with a swim in the lake and some hot-tubing @ 2am! It was a great finish to the weekend! Thanks everyone for great food, great friends and great memories! We had a blast and can't wait for next year... if Denny and Lynne let us go back! ; ) Thanks to Denny and Lynne also, everyone had a wonderful weekend!
The girls before the bus! - Tara, Me, Lori, Katie, Jessi, Mara and Erin

Mara & Brian

Lovely Blog, Beautiful Family, thanks for doing this! Uncle Johnny