Alaina took her first airplane ride last Saturday! Grandpa and Grandma Mac took us on our annual family vacation - this year's trip was to Fort Myers Beach, Florida!
Alaina did great on both flights to and from... which was what I was most concerned about! But, she did get a cold on the second day of the vacation and popped both eye teeth... which was not fun! For the most part she was very happy, but she had a few crabby nights with not being able to breath through her nose! Other than that we had a great vacation!
Alaina LOVES to swim in the pool, she spent about 1 hour a day in the pool! The beach was not her favorite... not sure why?... Maybe she likes to stay clean like her mom and just stay by the pool! ; )
It was a much different vacation for everyone, everything was focused around
Alaina! Which is not a bad thing... it was just a little different, not the
usual 5-6 hours of laying on a lawn chair in the sun, sipping Margarita's and thinking of what you will order next from the bartender! We were instead planning around naps and who was going to stay in the room for the nap! Then planning dinners out so we didn't have a crabby baby and trying to make sure we were still home within an hour of her normal bedtime! We had a great time and I
thoroughly enjoyed being able to spend an entire week with her!
Alaina's crib was in our bedroom and towards the end of the week, she would wake up and stand up in the crib and say Ma-ma,
da! It was
soooo cute! She is learning
soooo much and getting to be such a big girl! I can't believe she'll be one in two months!
Back to work tomorrow : I'm sure I will be having
Alaina withdrawal all week! Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Mac for another great family vacation!
On the way to Florida, Yay!

Condo to beach!

This is going to be a great week!

Peek -a -boo Grandpa!

sooo much fun in the pool!

I'm so
glad you bought me this boat for me mom!

That looks fun Dad, but don't do it to me!

Hmmm, not sure what I think about this sand?!

I'm tired and ready for bed!

Beautiful sunset!

Do you like my pretty dress?

Still not sure about the sand!

It is
wayyy to bright, I can't even open my eyes out here!

Having fun with daddy in the pool!

Boat ride around Marco Island!
Kickin' her feet in the pool one last time!